Lord, A Yellow Leaf and You are there = Eternal

Being carefully, My handheld a yellow leaf that fall to the earth. Occured restlessness in my heart, but rather consoled when root speaks in it’s singing, ” Don’t be worry, like usual, a branch of tree will write it carefully, moreover it be burden of my grip to the earth “. Yes… I must believe it, although yesterday and in the future there are million those ere fallen and will fall again, he will never been tired to immortalize it, because he realize that a piece of leaf ever join and share weave it cell to the branch in other to be stronger and be more eternal.
Lord loves that stronger root
also that tree
but he much more loves the yellow leaf.

Being carefully, My handheld a yellow leaf, but it lost, flying, it was brushed, threw down by the wind. The whispering wind to me, defensively and speak, ” season changes, season changes, grow and fall must changes, that is the destiny. A lot of dust unite be a pile, to bury a yellow leaf. The whispering dust to me, defensively, sruggle to trust me, ” The destiny comes, I pray in other to the yellow leaf received in side of the Lord “.
I draw on my breath deeply, It feel in my pulse of the yellow leaf will be humus, one little spot will absorbed to the pulse of life and be eternal.
Lord loves that wind
also that dust
but he much more loves the yellow leaf.

My handheld your memory tight at the top of my heart. I spread in second by second running in every crack of watch and poured overfull in a piece of canvas of my sky. I sing, I write, I whisper, I believe myself, that you are OK there. People are not be patient to see it, The other are furious, wonder, sensitive, others condolence, and the latest console. I understand, but your rainbow is still eternal in my soul, because you are the most spacious colour in thousand of my canvas, and that is eternal.
Lord loves that peoples
also this my heart
but he much more loves you, Mar…

By : PiS – Eclipse 16 June 2011   —-> Song For Maryati

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