“Watch Out to Ulu Bekas”

Watch Out to Ulu Bekas

There is something the wind wants to tell its concern about its heart of life. It always disturbs the leaves on big trees, makes me disturb, maybe Neither do you and hopes somebody to understand and enable to understand a question: “Is there God’s creature still know each other?”.

And the long way is only keep silent to let the time pass to the end of its life. Only the sky above always listens to the restless wind. But on the high there, it can not do anything, although a pity thousand of feelings covering its heart hearing a noise of the restless yellow leave on the highest small branch of tree and a piece of heart that is on the bicycle on the long-hot asphalt road.

The wind stops to blow away, trying to understand the border of silent wisdom decided by nature. And a piece of yellow leave may take a rest for a moment from afraid of wind’s dangerous tease and a sob crying of heart. From the deep inside my heart, I’m sure that the wind is only gives a sign, for a while, before it will be a storm.

Above all, all of the life’s journey still flow as should be, even though you keep silent in thousand of words and reluctant to ask or understand about the wheel of unbalanced and flawed life in your side.

And the leaves falls down finally also, crush down to the center of ground. An old man walks over them by no chance, before then he goes away, away, and too far away. A pair of wheel’s life says farewell to my eyes. The old silent man has gone slowly, his flag is flied by in the distance, but his whisper to me still be reached although it sounds I hear no clear that I will never understand the meaning of writing: “Watch Out to Ulu Bekas?”

To the withered plant I ask: “Is there God Above?”

“Do not whine in the lifetime of your age!” the rice plant says so while stooping and kneeling to Him.

I look away to the cloudy sky, beg and ask again: Is there God above?

“Do not debate the relative things” the eagle shriek it up while diving and pouncing its prey on your grave, my heart start crying: “Is there God above?” You are smiled happily Jemek Supardi hears me, in front of crowd He points out the sky, in his silence he gives a question: “Is there God above?’

His face looks so sad in his center of heart saved thousand of mysteries that has been reached by my heart also and now I understand already.

PiS 12082011

In Indonesian : Hati-hati Ulu Bekas

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